Our Trust

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St Michaels is proud to be part of the Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust family.

Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust is a West Midlands based multi-academy trust committed to providing high quality education for all the children in our schools through collaboration, challenge and targeted support.

We are guided by our Christian mission and aim to ensure that our pupils and staff enjoy ‘life in its fullness’ (John 10:10). Our purpose of ensuring high quality education is delivered through shared best practice across our family of schools combined with support from our central team, set within a Christian ethos.

The Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (BDMAT) recognises that the future for schools lies in formal collaborations; schools working together, in partnership, to offer life in all its fullness for the young people who attend them. Church schools have a very distinctive purpose: Education is taught in an environment where there is a set of values and ways of behaving that stem from and express the Christian foundation of the school. Our schools are about providing an education within a Christian framework for children of the local community of any faith or none; Our Trust seeks to provide a place where church schools and non-church schools who support our philosophy can continue to provide high quality education, knowing that their distinctive ethos will be protected into the future.

Click here to visit the BDMAT website

Our Mission

To provide high quality education within a Christian framework that allows all pupils to reach their full potential through experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring staff have a good life / work balance and are fulfilled in their roles.

Our Values  

Our BDMAT values were revised in consultation with stakeholders in the autumn term 2020. As a result, our revised values are:

  • Hope – we have hope that there can always be a positive outcome
  • Honesty – we are honest with all inside and outside our organisation, whilst being sensitive to how we deliver these messages
  • Integrity – we have strong principles rooted in our Christian mission that lead our actions and decisions
  • Helpfulness – we work in co-operation and partnership with all staff and stakeholders
  • Respect – we respect all those that we come across
  • Dignity and compassion – we treat all those within and outside our organisation with dignity, irrespective of the circumstances, and we show everyone compassion for the difficulties that they are experiencing
  • Wisdom – The decisions we take are wise and are based on informed discussions and evidence and aimed at ensuring we achieve the best outcomes for all without forsaking our values

Our Vision  

‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’ is inspired, as we are within BDMAT by scripture, in particular John 10:10 where Jesus declares “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. The words of Jesus act as a guide for our vision, which is encompassed in our three guiding principles:

Please click here to learn more about BDMAT’s Mission, Vision and Values.